Rise to the Moment, Breakthrough the Blocks, and Unleash Your Next Level

Master your mental game and make peak performance a permanent level of play.

Our Premier Program

Information is powerful, but application makes it practical, and here at CP we’re about both. Our premier program, The CP Blueprint, is designed to empower an athlete to take ownership over the intangibles, and master their own mental game. Built specifically for tennis players, this 8 week program not only addresses the common match court challenges, but works to establish an unshakable mentality free from “problems”.

The program is a progressive series of interactive and engaging video sessions, paired with a personalized inner game plan and unparalleled 24/7 support from The CP Coaches. All of the material following a simple framework of understanding, practice, and application, helping the athlete better learn and retain, connect the dots, and bring it into their performances immediately.

CP Athletes range in age and level, but they’re united by a relentless passion to play at their peak. We’ll save a page of accolades and achievements to say we take personal responsibility for the success of every athlete that teams up with us. If you’re committed to doing what it takes to play at your peak, we’re committed to helping you make that happen.

Your first step is to fill out the Blueprint Application below & schedule an Interview Call with a CP Coach to discuss your personal needs. We take care to cultivate a community of like-minded athletes, and we look forward to serving your athletic dreams!

Our Approach

Our Vision here at CP is the same as every true athlete, Perform at Your Peak. We believe that unlimited play isn’t unrealistic, it’s just uncommon. And we’re here to change that. Competitive athletes are taught how to train, but not how to perform. They’re taught how to work, but not how to play. Most serious athletes understand that true performance is spontaneous and not something you can pre-plan. It’s a balance between making it happen and letting it happen. Your ability to remain present under pressure allows you to ride that all-important balance, that balance being the secret to consistent Peak Performances. Over-shoot that balance with effort, and you’re forceful, tense, and scattered. Under-shoot that balance, and you’re timid, lethargic, and distracted. Master that balance, and your peak becomes accessible, your play becomes unlimited.
Complete Performance balances the High Performance “training” mentality of “get better”, with the “performance” mentality of “I am AT my best”. Without this balance, you’re in the training trap directing time and energy towards the future, and leaving present potential on the table, match after match. The truth is your game is unique and perfect, not less than or broken. Improvement is about expanding your game, not fixing it. This seemingly subtle shift of intention is actually a paradigm shift in your tennis game. It releases you from the pressure of the hierarchal rat-race, and places you in a field of present possibility centered around your personal process, making your peak your new athletic home.
Training vs Performance
Our Mission here at CP is the same as every true athlete, Close The Performance Gap. There’s a level an athlete typically plays at. And then there’s a level they know they can play at. Not some day in the future, but now. This gap has long been avoided and labeled the “intangibles”, placing our peak just out of reach. The truth is, the level you typically play at, is a reflection of the past. And the level you know you can play at, is a reflection of the present. When you learn to be present under demand, you unlock your true level, your Peak.
An Inner Game Plan
Our intention to bring tangibility to the intangibles, has resulted in 7 Mental Skills that represent the 7 primary ways to be present on the match court. These are the undeniable building blocks to your inner game that are universal to every athlete.

Our intention to make world-class performance training accessible to any committed athlete has resulted in a simple 5-step process to understand, practice, and apply those 7 skills.

Our flagship program, The CP Blueprint, puts that entire sequence together in a series of simple, progressive exercises. This straight-forward process to play at your peak is complete with the personalized support of an Inner Game Plan, 24/7 Direct Message Access with the CP Coaches, Tournament Tools, a weekly Community Call + Live Daily Content. It all goes down inside The CP Portal, a one-stop-shop helping high performers play at their peak.
Join Us @ The Peak
We’ve been athletes our entire life, and when we stopped playing, we started coaching. As a father and two brothers of Olympic Gold Medalist and 10x Grand Slam Champion Bethanie Mattek-Sands, we’ve been intimately involved with performance at the highest levels. And continue to work with WTA, ATP, ITF, D-1, and nationally-ranked juniors world-wide. But over our 60+ collective years of playing/coaching, we’re here to share that all it takes is commitment. And if that’s you, The CP Team is committed to inspiring, equipping, and empowering you with the know-how and means to start performing at your peak, however high that peak might go.

We invite you to take the next step, fill out the Blueprint Application below & schedule an Interview Call with a CP Coach to discuss your personal needs. We look forward to serving your athletic dreams!

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